312 N Prospect Avenue Redondo Beach California 90277
Provided by S C Real Estate
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Welcome to 312 N. Prospect! Consisting of 4 beds, 2 baths, 2121 SF (TTV) this charming beach property has been recently enhanced with new interior paint, refinishing of the interior flooring, front landscaping, new carpet in rear bedroom and new gate. Inside has a spacious family room with fireplace, breakfast/dining area and an open kitchen with stainless appliances. A small outdoor space allows for natural light into the unit. The back part of the house includes a separate entrance, open family room with a kitchenette. This space can be used as a flex room or oversized office. Private rear yard with hardscape for entertaining and a covered pergola. Upstairs is a large 4th bedroom or can be used as a flex room. Laundry located in the two car garage with two car parking in the driveway and the ability to block the driveway, giving a valuable five car onsite parking. Within a short walk to Award Winning Redondo Union High School, in close proximity to the beach. Don't miss out!!!
Parking: Street
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