1 beds2 baths812 sqftDays Listed: 19

2730 2nd Street Santa Monica California 90405

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What a find! Come see this quaint California bungalow located in the coveted ocean park neighborhood of Santa Monica only two blocks from the beach. This comfy cottage setup features a pied-a-terre style home with a full kitchen, full bathroom, and private in-unit laundry. Accompanying the main house is a detached 240 sqft studio with a spacious bedroom and bathroom. Peaceful gardens and serene outdoor sitting areas are found throughout the grounds along with a courtyard perfect for dining Al Fresco. The property has all the necessary comforts including an electric vehicle charger, electronic security gates, and room for 3 car parking on site. This little cottage is a gem and the perfect place to settle into and call home.
Parking: Street

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