2 beds3 baths1958 sqftDays Listed: 23

18 Union Jack Street 301 Marina Del Rey California 90292

18 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 9029218 Union Jack Street 301  Marina Del Rey California 90292
Provided by Hurwitz James Company
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This stunning 2BR 3BA loft on the Marina Peninsula is the perfect beachfront getaway. With high ceilings throughout, this penthouse offers incredible volume and natural light. Amenities include a full chef's kitchen, dining room with seats for 8, loft, rooftop deck, family room, and incredible views. This penthouse includes 2 en suite bedrooms as well as a loft with a full bathroom as well. Step through the front door and you are flooded with natural light as you enter the main living space. The panoramic glass windows allow for this complete inundation of natural light as well as provide incredible views of the Marina Peninsula.
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