2234 Cloverfield Boulevard Santa Monica California 90405
Provided by The Hollywood Realty
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Charming guest house for rent in the desirable Sunset Park neighborhood of Santa Monica. This 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom back house offers a separate kitchen and living area, set in a peaceful garden. Located at the back of the main bungalow, with its own entrance and no shared walls, it ensures privacy. The open floor plan features hardwood floors, a full kitchen, and access to the garden. A new mini-split was recently adding for heating and cooling. All utilities including internet are included for an additional $100 per month. This private retreat is within walking distance to Virginia Park, Clover Park, Whole Foods 365, public transit, and just a short bike ride to the beach. It's also close to top schools, the Santa Monica Airport, and just two miles from Downtown Santa Monica's shopping and dining. The guest house is currently being painted and updated and will be available for move in by January 10th. The photos do not do this guest house justice and additional photos will be added after painting and repairs are complete.
Parking: Street
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